
即将举行的萨马拉活动、研讨会、 & 演讲

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Environmental Education Association of Indiana

Environmental Education Association of Indiana

Rachel Larimore将会加入 Environmental Education Association of Indiana for their VIRTUAL conference 11月ember 6-8, 2020. She’ll be presenting a keynote titled 从“关于”教学转向“与自然”教学:以自然为本的幼儿教育运动为鉴. She will also be presenting a 3-hour workshop on nature-based pedagogy called, 细节决定成败:考虑以自然为基础或森林幼儿园的后勤

只需50美元,您就可以获得整个会议的现场直播和一年后的访问权限. 注册在这里!

Nature Preschool Institute 2020--An Educator 车间

Nature Preschool Institute 2020--An Educator 车间

  • 奇佩瓦自然中心 (地图)
  • 谷歌日历 ICS

自然学前教育学院是一个为期四天的研讨会,由两家机构合作举办 奇佩瓦自然中心 以及萨马拉早期教育. 该研讨会将为幼儿教育工作者提供信息和技能,使他们在保持课程完整性的同时,将基于自然的教育方法纳入幼儿的日常工作中. This workshop will be led by Rachel Larimore, 萨马拉早教的老板, 和麦迪逊·鲍威尔一起, 奇佩瓦自然中心’s (CNC) 自然幼儿园主任, 自然幼儿园的教师团队, and some of the Nature Preschool children.

(请 note, registration for this event is through 奇佩瓦自然中心.)


In this workshop you will have the opportunity to:

• Explore the theory and pedagogy of the nature-based approach

• Observe nature-based preschool teachers and children in action

• Talk 与 parents of nature-based preschoolers about their experiences

• Visit the CNC’s LEED Gold Certified preschool building, including two classrooms and two natural play areas


Topics discussed in the four days will include:


• Real versus perceived outdoor risks


• Integrating nature into indoor spaces

• 的 real meaning of “dress for the weather”

•安全 & effectively leading excursions to the “beyond”


• Seasonal large- and small-group activities to incorporate into the classroom


• Identifying the learning in nature-based play



周一, 与会者将花一天的时间学习基于自然的方法的好处和核心组成部分. Day 1 will also include discussion about managing outdoor risks, the role of loose parts in nature-based play, and a visit to the Nature Preschool building. 周二, 周三, 周四上午,参与者将在室内观察自然幼儿园的学生和工作人员,这是一个典型的一天, 外, 及以后. 的 afternoons will include reflections on the morning session, additional learning around the nature-based pedagogy, and information to focus the observations for the following day. 的 program fee includes materials 和午餐 each day.


• 小君e 1-4, 2020; 8:30am-4:30pm each day



•注册 在这里 到2020年5月18日

(请 note, registration for this event is through 奇佩瓦自然中心.)

For more information, 联系 麦迪逊鲍威尔, 奇佩瓦自然中心’s 自然幼儿园主任, or mpowell@chippewanaturecenter.电话:989-631-0830.



最近的机场是米德兰机场, 海湾城, Saginaw (MBS) airport about a 15 minute drive from Midland. Bishop airport in Flint (FNT) is a 45-minute drive away, and Detroit (DTW) is approximately 2 hours away.


费尔菲尔德酒店 & 米德兰万豪套房邮编48640,米德兰巴特斯街506号



睡旅馆, 2100 W. 瓦克圣.米德兰,48640

关于瑞秋一. Larimore, Founder of 萨马拉早期教育, LLC

Rachel是一名教育家, 演讲者, 顾问, 著有《bwin贵宾会》和《bwin菲律宾》三本书. 她的热情和专业专注于将自然融入幼儿教育中,以促进幼儿的全面发展. Prior to establishing 萨马拉早期教育, Rachel founded 奇佩瓦自然中心 (CNC) Nature Preschool in Midland, MI. She continued as the director of the program until 2016. Rachel is a doctoral candidate in Michigan State University’s Department of Teacher Education; received a M.A. in Park and Recreation Administration from Central Michigan University; and a B.S. in Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism, 强调解释, 科罗拉多州立大学.

About 奇佩瓦自然中心’s Nature Preschool

奇佩瓦自然中心的自然幼儿园是以自然为基础的学前教育运动的领导者之一,于2007年开业. 该项目目前每年为140多名学龄前儿童(3岁和4岁)提供半天的课程,从9月持续到5月. Children are funded through a mix of private tuition, state funding through Michigan’s Great Start Readiness program, county-level funding through Midland County’s Great Start Collaborative, 还有私人奖学金. 课程在LEED金认证的Margaret Ann (Ranny) Riecker自然学前教育中心和Alden B. 陶氏设计的自然研究大楼. 自然幼儿园被评为密歇根州质量的伟大开端-国家质量评级改进系统的最高水平. 麦迪逊鲍威尔, 自然幼儿园主任, 自然幼儿园的教师团队将为参与者打开教室,让他们观察以自然为基础的幼儿园的运作.


No refunds will be issued after May 10, 2020. If 奇佩瓦自然中心 cancels this program for any reason (e.g., conditions are unfavorable), participants will receive a full refund. 请 note: all registration, payments, and cancellations are handled through 奇佩瓦自然中心.

Going to the great "beyond" one-day workshop

Going to the great "beyond" one-day workshop

本次活动由 北支自然中心. 要注册,请点击 在这里.

以自然为基础的幼儿教育包括到围栏游乐区以外的野生空间游览. 回到周五晚上的主题演讲,我们将首先讨论我们访问这些空间的原因? In other words, what is the purpose of experiences in the “beyond.” Are we providing children 与 activities that align 与 these goals? 这节课将探讨我们目前的实践,以及我们如何从学习自然或关于自然转向更多地与自然学习. To do this we’ll consider the structure of our time, 物理环境, 还有我们的师生互动. 我们还将讨论如何将这些在户外的体验融入到室内课堂中. 研讨会将包括Rachel Larimore的演讲和与会者的积极参与, 例如, 小组讨论. 对比增强超声可用!

本次活动由 北支自然中心. 要注册,请点击 在这里. This workshop is preceded by an optional, by-donation 周五晚上的演讲.



教育者每天都要做成千上万个影响孩子学习的决定. 考虑以自然为基础的项目的总体目标,以及我们的教学和管理实践是否反映了这些目标,这一点很重要. Rachel will challenge attendees to consider how well program structures, 物理空间, and teacher-child interactions align 与 the “Why?” of nature-based early childhood education. No matter how long you’ve been in nature-based education, you’ll leave this keynote reflecting on your practice, 精力充沛, 并准备好改变世界! 

这个演示之后是一个 全天为教育工作者举办的研讨会 在星期六上午.

本次活动由 北支自然中心.

自然 & Forest Preschool Business Planning 车间: Helping your business take flight

自然 & Forest Preschool Business Planning 车间: Helping your business take flight

由Rachel Larimore促成 & David Catlin of 萨马拉早期教育, LLC

Registration is $135 and includes all presentation handouts, 工作表和业务模板, 和午餐.

点击 在这里 报名参加这个工作坊.

(请注意,注册为 基于自然的学习会议 必须单独填写 在这里.) 

这个为期一天的商业规划研讨会是与自然启动联盟的年度会议一起举办的 自然 Early Learning 会议. Our goal is to help your nature-based or forest preschool dream take flight. This one-day workshop will not only help you get started, but also provide you the road map for accomplishing your vision. We will begin 与 an overview of the business planning process, 然后,我们将指导您提出的问题和回答这些问题的工具-所有这些都针对基于自然和森林的幼儿园的独特业务需求. We will provide specific guidance related to these topics:

·      关键决策 (e.g., mission, goals, administrative model, partnerships)

·      编程计划 (What will the program look and feel like?)

·      网站计划 (How do I determine if a site is right for my business?)

·      建筑计划 理想的物理空间是什么样的?我怎样才能实现这一愿景?)

·      营销计划 谁是目标市场? 我怎么联系他们? How do I identify potential competition?)

·      操作计划 (How do I identify the nuts and bolts of my program such as schedule, 注册过程, 保险, 等.?)

·      财务计划 (How do I identify and track start-up and operating expenses?)

·      风险分析 (What might go wrong in my business plan and how might I respond if it does?)

研讨会本身将是演讲、小组互动和解决问题的混合体. 所有这些活动都是为了确保你离开研讨会时在你的商业计划上取得实质性进展. 是的, 你离开的时候会有更多的工作要做, 但我们的目标是让你带着清晰的路线图离开,快速有效地让你的幼儿园成为现实.  

Thank you to our partners in offering this workshop:
